Clone Yourself Hiring & Onboarding $597

Reduce team turn over, increase quality of outcomes, and build an agency that succeeds WITHOUT you. Click the button below to streamline your hiring & onboarding process in less than 30 days!

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$ 597.00 USD
Master Hiring & Onboarding Now!
Enroll in Clone Yourself Today
What's Included?Buy now
  • Check-in: Establish a baseline and identify personal hiring process and training needs.
  • Hiring/Onboarding Map - so you know what you need to plan for your client optimization.
  • Hiring/Onboarding Process Treasure Hunt - that will allow you to gather the assets you have, need to create and optimize for faster hiring and training. Build a hiring schedule that doesn’t cannibalize your operations.
  • ​Hiring/Onboarding Compass - so you can create the best team systems for your agency. Our proven process training creates high performance teams that dare I say it… “have common sense”
  • ​Hiring/Onboarding Calibration - will identify the key metrics necessary to make key decisions to create culture, retain talent and let you focus on growth.
  • Accountability Checkpoint - Identify progress from the beginning.
  • Each module comes with exercises you can submit for review.
Master Hiring & Onboarding Now!
Enroll in Clone Yourself Today




  • Where do I find the right person..?
  • What do I look for..?
  • How do I qualify them..?
  • ​How do I make sure they’ll play nice with my team..?
  • ​If I hire someone how long is it going to take to train them..?
  • ​How do I onboard them so they do things “the right way”..?
  • ​What if I spend all this time training them and then they just decided to quit..?
  • ​Should I just buckle down and do it myself..?
  • ​Will that kill me..?

Hiring and onboarding new team members is a daunting task for any agency owner.

Why? Because more often than not it comes as a result of some kind of success or some kind of loss that forces you to hire out of necessity.

Maybe your sales team IS ON FIRE (which they should be if you’re using our sales process 😎) and you need to hire to keep up with the project load…

Maybe someone on your team decides to quit OR you decide to fire them because their performance is slipping and you need to replace them yesterday…

Maybe you as the founder are still conducting some of the high level actions and you desperately need to delegate them so you can focus on business growth…

Whatever the case may be you have a large decision to make. You’re adding a new installment to your team. To your FAMILY. It HAS to be the right choice

Well, Not Anymore…

we’ve developed and codified a system to help you make the right decision EVERY TIME.

Over the last 5 years I’ve had the opportunity to help hundreds of agencies not only overcome this problem, but standardize it.

I’ve developed a system allows this to become an enjoyable and predictable process for any agency owner that boils down to only 5 things:

1. The tools your team has at its disposal to track and execute on client tasks…

2. The vital documentation that outlines repeatable processes and guarantees quality of outcome…

3. The defined workflows that ensure every task gets done “the right way”...

4. The training your team must undergo and can refer back to WHENEVER there’s a question…

5. And the ability to track team performance on an ongoing basis so you can easily identify any gaps in your process….

"Created a hiring process after churning and burning and was able to onboard an amazing account management in 2 weeks."

- Jeff Conlon

"Plus double gong: yesterday we also hired a new editor! The avengers are assembling."

- Brian Doochin

"Team members are now making their own SOP loom videos #training"

- Josh Ogg

SO what makes this course differenT…

WHAT EXACTLY IS “CLONE YOURSELf - Hiring & Onboarding”?

Clone Yourself is an agency training I created a couple years ago to help agency owners just like you develop well rounded systems and processes so they could:

Automate their agency growth…

Guarantee quality of results

Keep track of the 10,000,000 moving pieces their agency monitors…

And most importantly, be able to step away at ANYTIME for ANY length of time and still watch MRR climb month after month. Hiring & Onboarding is a critical component with such limited information and resources that I’ve decided to break it out and offer it to you on it’s own and even give you 65% off what it would normally retail for.

Inside Clone yourself - Hiring & Onboarding you’ll receive:

  • How and when to hire the right people: reviewing applications, interviewing, and figuring out who to hire can take time
  • Retain excellent talent with training and development
  • Be able to plug someone in at any moment
  • ​Never leave the business vulnerable to someone bailing