Clone Yourself Project Management
Fortify Your Agency Processes to 5 Million A Year With A Plug & Play Project Management System - Now 98% OFF
What's Included:
- The Project Management Check In so you can see exactly where the holes in your Project Management are
- The Project Management Map so you can start planning out the perfect project management system for your agency
- The Project Management Compass so you can ensure you're on the right track
- Project Management Calibration Exercise so you can tweak and fine tune your systems
- In depth Asana & Clickup walkthroughs to help you set up your PM software with ease
- Walkthroughs for developing feedback loops, assessing backlogs, and calendar surfing so you can assess your progress at a glance
- A FREE 1 on 1 Discovery Call ($997 Value)

You're Fumbling Around in the Dark
Most of the platforms have so many bells and whistles (that should be used eventually), that it leaves us doing our best to create our own internal system of tracking projects and progress.
BUT we’re not veteran systems experts, we’re agency owners and we want to get back to what we do best!
Despite best efforts, if let go too long, this disconnect between what you do best and how you manage it results in the slow, painful, death of a shocking majority of agencies...
...that, or the owner (YOU) having to pick up the slack, work 12-14 hours days, and having to finish and/or fix everything that leaves "out the door" which is unacceptable!
(that’s not what you signed up for)
Clone Yourself Project Management System
A plug and play processes ANY agency owner can use to:

Deliver On Time, Every Time
Never miss a deadline. Never feel like you can't take a vacation because your reputation is at stake. Never feel like you can't take on those sexy clients because your systems aren't up to the task. This is project management for scale.

Protect Your Profitability
Your product is your process. Create a system where you can plug anyone in without fear of them bailing. Have a system where you can track expenses and see how profitable your projects, clients, and team actually are.

Never Ask What's Being Worked On Ever Again
Eliminate unnecessary meetings. Set up a system where project managers can track statuses and milestones. Create views for people working, people managing and so that you as the founder have everything at the tip of your fingertips.

Setup Your Systems Immediately
Have anyone on your team setup, standardize or optimize your processes without feeling like they had to go to school for a certificate for project management or 40 hours on google. Get the best practices for implementing to get to the next level.

RESULT: Ranked as Inc. 5000’s #5 Best Marketing and Advertising Agency, improved quality control by 45%, increased on-time deliverables by 32%, and added 22 new staff.
Digital Hyve

RESULT: Reduced overheads by 72%, hired better, grew the business while off the grid in Africa, and featured in a CNN documentary that merged her love for sailing with her social media agency.
Sinclair Social

RESULT: Breaking the $1M Mark – How to get out of your own way and unleash explosive growth.
Social Tribe