Clone Yourself Project Management $97

Fortify Your Agency Processes to 5 Million A Year With A Plug & Play Project Management System - Now 85% OFF

$ 597.00 USD
Now Only
$ 97.00 USD
10X Your Project Management Today
Get Clone Yourself Project Management 85% OFF!
What's Included?Buy now

What's Included:

  • The Project Management Check In so you can see exactly where the holes in your Project Management are
  • The Project Management Map so you can start planning out the perfect project management system for your agency
  • The Project Management Compass so you can ensure you're on the right track
  • Project Management Calibration Exercise so you can tweak and fine tune your systems
  • In depth Asana & Clickup walkthroughs to help you set up your PM software with ease
  • Walkthroughs for developing feedback loops, assessing backlogs, and calendar surfing so you can assess your progress at a glance


  • A FREE 1 on 1 Discovery Call ($997 Value)

10X Your Project Management Today
Get Clone Yourself Project Management 85% OFF!

Death by a Thousand Paper Cuts...

This is what an agency without a real Project Management Process looks like:

The cost of not implementing Project Management is the slow, painful, death of a shocking majority of agencies...

...or the owner (YOU) having to pick up the slack and having to finish and/or fix everything that leaves "out the door" which is unacceptable to if you have any plans to grow the business. Project management helps us implement so that we can trust our deliverables being on time, every time...

It ensures not a single step, regardless of how small gets missed...

It guarantee's the quality of your work even if you NEVER see it...

Ultimately it allows us to increase our results, reputation and profits predictably and without stress.

Never Miss a Deadline & Never Have Anything Fall Through the Cracks!

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