Let’s skip the small-talk… And no, this is not the speed-dating circuit. Grab a seat here at the bar, settle in, order a drink and I’ll jump right into sharing some of my secrets… Ready?? OK, great, let’s get started…
Whether it’s a project management system or a client relationship manager (CRM),
there comes a point where you realize you need a system to download your brain, track and keep up with your workload, you need to update your system or you need to switch to a new one.

“Juliana, there’s so many systems out there; what’s the best system?”
Well… the app store comes out with a shiny new, friendly funded startup app for systems almost monthly, if not daily!
It’s overwhelming.
Of course it’s part of my gig to be playing with these new systems all the time — so I do have many thoughts, opinions and complaints on the matter.
But that’s not answering the question.
So let’s rephrase — What is the best system for YOU, Right NOW?
Tweet This: Here’s the kicker: what’s a great system right now, guaranteed, will not be a good system 5 years, or even 1 year from now. Annoying, right?
So, I like to think of the process of picking a system like dating.
Lesson 1 — Don’t get too attached and align with your values. (Ughhh I know — here come those attachment issues).
Lesson 2 — Play the field! You are going to want to date a few systems before you commit and see which one fits you and your team the best. (Did someone say poly?)
Lesson 3 — Your systems are like looking for Mr or Mrs right now — not Mr/Mrs future. You are not marrying it, you are just going to have a very adventurous short term relationship with it (ouch!).
>>>Want to make sure you’ve got the most crucial systems in play? Download this systems check to find out.
Here are some things to look for when you are in the dating phase of your systems search…
Think of this as your ScaleTime Systems Value Set:
#1. Is it user-friendly?
How is the user experience? Is it easy to navigate?
Better yet, is it easy to train your staff on it? (This will save time, money and headache).
It’s just a matter of facts — attractive apps get more action.
#2. Is it mobile-friendly?
When you’re running around closing deals and making it rain (oooooh yeah!), can you track what your team is doing?
Will you be able to see if milestones and deadlines are being met? Can you review on-the-go so you don’t become the bottleneck of progress?
A lot of business is done on the go — will you be ready for that or do you want to be called and texted and asked for the 50th time what needs to be done next.
#3. Is it visual?
Is this something that is easily viewed and maneuvered? Can you drag and drop? Or do you feel like you needed to go to a top programming school just to make an edit?
If it’s not easy to set up or edit, chances are you won’t use it and your staff won’t use it. Leaving you with another sad and lonely tool that is shelved and a full email inbox of “how do you do that, again?”
#4. Is it collaborative?
Can your team work on it simultaneously? Does it have templates? Can they share, review, edit and comment on it? Can you?
Teams are becoming more flexible on how they work, where they work and on what devices they work — be prepared to set them for success no matter what.
#5. Does it report?
Can you run quick reports? Can you easily track progress? How do you know if your team is actually performing? How do you know when and if the business is performing?
Sometimes systems can feel like a data sucking black hole. You just input input and input without any return. It’s important to view what the data is saying so you can see trends, seasonality, hiccups and challenges. Clarity allows us to make better business decisions.
“Everyday is a new day to make better choices”
(—my man Deepak. It just got deep in systems world).
#6. Overall: is it easy?
Running a business is hard; your systems don’t have to be.
Not every system will fit your style or your team; so flirt some and date around.
There’s plenty of apps in the marketplace sea!
Ready for the first step?
>>>Download this Systems Check and if there are any crucial systems your team is missing.
Well, it looks like the bar’s closing for the night. Thanks for the drink! It’s been fun so let’s do this again sometime okay?
Oh, and one last thing before I go… Disclaimer! Don’t actually use this or talk about this for your dating life!! LOL