AI Project Management Tools: Not Just for Tech Wizards Anymore

Key Takeaways
User-friendly AI project management tools transform efficiency & decision-making, proving invaluable to everyone in your digital agency.
Project management can be daunting, but AI is here to help.
Project management can be daunting, but AI is here to help.

Become a project manager. Take on an endless list of activities and expectations.

But of course, that's to be expected.

Some of those endless tasks are project planning, risk management, and team collaboration. We also have to deal with resource management, budgeting, task management, and meeting scheduling.

So many endless tasks, that sometimes we wish we had another hand to help us!

Fortunately, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is here to transform project management, so it can increase our efficiency and effectiveness. It's the extra hand you (maybe) didn't you know you needed.

If that's true, then where's evidence?

Well, according to research from PMI, AI disruption is already happening. Eighty one percent of the respondents reported that AI technologies have impacted their organization, and 37 percent cited adopting AI technologies as a high priority for their organizations. Over the next three years, project professionals expect an increase in the proportion of projects they manage using AI from 23 percent to 37 percent.

We can keep track of our project milestones and deadlines, enhance our decision-making and planning processes, and become more creative with our resources when we integrate the best AI tools for project management.

Demystifying AI in Project Management

Cleverly integrating AI in your system can bring a great benefit to your team.
Cleverly integrating AI in your system can bring a great benefit to your team.

The Evolution of Project Management Tools

We can attest to the use of project management in ancient times with examples such as the building of the Great Pyramid of Giza (2570 BC) and the Great Wall of China (208 BC). But many modern project management tools we're familiar with today were born in 1917, when Henry Gantt created a scheduling diagram (Gantt Chart).

We can also associate the evolution of project management tools with the development of the Critical Path Method (CPM) by Dupont Corporation in 1957. Also, the US Navy Special Projects Office Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT)  in 1958, and the United States Department of Defense creation of the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) in 1962.

The rapid evolution and advancement of the internet and computer technology have set the pace for the emergence of AI in project management. We can now use AI tools for project management to lower operational costs, minimize errors, increase productivity, and get reliable data for effective planning.

Accessibility and Benefits of AI Project Management Tools

How are AI project management tools accessible and beneficial to all, especially digital agencies, and not limited to tech experts? AI tools surpass mere automation by incorporating predictive analytics, machine learning, and intelligent decision-making.

AI project management software customizes project administration for various users, ranging from mega organizations to individual freelancers and digital agencies. The wide application of AI-based project management tools enables us to make changes at multiple operational scales, resulting in more effective, data-driven, and proactive approaches to project management.

The Basics of AI Project Management Tools

Basically, AI project management tools are software that integrates artificial intelligence technologies into traditional project management processes.

Artificial intelligence is the computer systems simulation of human intelligence and problem-solving capabilities. The systems can perform tasks historically associated with human cognitive functions, such as speech interpretation and image and pattern recognition.

How do AI-Powered Project Management Tools differ from Traditional Project Management Software?

AI-powered tools can bring efficiency to your projects.
AI-powered tools can bring efficiency to your projects.


Traditional project management software requires detailed customization and may require manual updates and changes. Mistakes can be costly and time-consuming if the individuals handling the tool are unfamiliar with it. On the other hand, AI-powered project management tools work at high speed and automate changes. AI tools automate manual work such as planning, scheduling, and other repetitive tasks, saving time and labor costs.


Traditional project management software isn't flexible enough for abrupt changes. We need to replan and reconfigure the settings to effect the changes. AI-powered tools offer dynamic task management. They can intelligently organize or reorganize tasks spontaneously and in real-time without overloading team members.


Collaborating with our teams on traditional project management software is challenging because of the lack of essential features such as video conferencing and real-time messaging. However, we can quickly and comfortably collaborate on AI-based project management tools.

AI Functionalities that Enhance Project Management

AI can help project managers in dealing with tasks such as scheduling, tracking, and reporting.
AI can help project managers in dealing with tasks such as scheduling, tracking, and reporting.

AI can manage tasks requiring speed and agility, lending project managers a much-needed helping hand. Some of the ways that AI can enhance project management include:

  • Automated scheduling
  • AI-powered project management tools automatically schedule and reschedule tasks based on available resources, change priorities, and optimize project due dates.
  • Risk assessment
  • AI accurately identifies project risks by analyzing data from various sources. It can also predict potential project risks and propose mitigation strategies to help you act quickly.
  • Data analytics and predictive analysis

AI can quickly process big data, empowering project managers to make evidence-based decisions with accuracy.  The tools can also provide real-time communication, feedback, updates, and task coordination platforms.

AI has brought about the rise of virtual assistants that can answer common questions, provide updates, and schedule meetings. Additionally, AI translation tools help break down language barriers.                                                                                                            

Breaking Down the Tech Barrier

Having a positive and realistic view to AI will show you its potential.
Having a positive and realistic view to AI will show you its potential.

There have been many misconceptions about AI, some of which may have made us fear that AI is coming to take over the world, colonize, and rule over us. Others have argued that only tech experts can use or benefit from AI. Luckily, we can dispel our fears about AI colonization since AI remains under humans, and we don't need to be tech experts to use AI tools. We should remember that project management tools equipped with AI features are designed with a broad user base in mind, and even those with little to no technical expertise can use and benefit from AI.

AI has many aspects, each with its own use and benefits. These include natural language processing, machine learning, computer vision, speech recognition, robotics, expert systems, and more.

We use some of these AI technologies daily without our knowledge, whether using our mobile phones, driving our vehicles, or using our credit cards. When it comes to digital agencies, AI project management software comes with user-friendly features that allow them to be accessible to users, from project teams to project managers.

Here are a few examples of the key user-friendly features of AI project management platforms:

  • Intuitive interfaces. AI platforms are designed with clear, easy-to-navigate interfaces. This ensures that we can quickly find the features we need without extensive training.
  • Interactive dashboards. Tools like Microsoft Project have dashboards that provide a visual overview of the project, from the overview to project tasks and deadlines. This allows users to grasp complex information about the project at a glance.
  • Guided setup. The best AI project management tools offer guided setup processes, walk users through the initial configuration, and provide tips on best utilizing the software.
  • Help resources. AI-equipped project management platforms offer services for a broader range of users and provide extensive help services. These may include tutorials, FAQs, and customer service, all available to assist users in overcoming any challenges they encounter as they use the platform.

With the help of these AI-powered technologies, digital agencies can scale their processes according to their demands, whether up or down. We can use AI to streamline our workflows, increasing efficiency and improving customer satisfaction.

How can AI Project Management Tools benefit digital agencies?

Equip your team and benefit from AI-powered tools.
Equip your team and benefit from AI-powered tools.

It's indisputable that project management tools equipped with AI features aren't just for tech wizards anymore. However, the million-dollar question remains unanswered:

How can digital agencies benefit from these platforms?

Here's how.

Time savings

AI project management tools can easily automate scheduling, time tracking, and progress reporting tasks. By automating these tasks,  we can reduce the time spent on administration, allowing our teams to focus more on value-adding project management tasks and activities.

These tools can also help us analyze past project data to predict timelines, resource requirements, and potential problems that may arise as the project progresses. This foresight can help us make better planning and resource allocation, resulting in more efficient project execution.

Better decisions

New technologies allow predictive analysis of data and help us make real-time data analyses. With AI tools, we can continuously analyze project data, providing real-time insights into our progress, project budgeting, and team performance. This timely information allows us to make informed decisions quickly.

Some tools also have work management features that offer recommendations based on data analysis. For example, these tools might suggest reallocating resources to address potential issues and delays or even prioritizing tasks to meet a critical deadline.

Enhanced communication and collaboration

AI project management tools can make the workload light for your team.
AI project management tools can make the workload light for your team.

What's the most common use of AI in our daily lives? Digital assistants.

Many project management software programs integrate AI-driven chatbots into their systems. These bots assist in answering questions, providing updates, and facilitating collaboration among team members, further improving the user experience.

Additionally, AI tools can automatically generate and distribute updates on project status, upcoming deadlines, and priority changes. Through these, we can ensure that all team members are on the same page, preventing miscommunication and misunderstanding among the team!

Risk management

AI can detect risks early, thus helping you in avoiding delays and repairs in the future.
AI can detect risks early, thus helping you in avoiding delays and repairs in the future.

All projects involve risks, but AI tools can analyze patterns and detect potential risks early. For example, these tools can detect if completing a task takes significantly longer than planned, indicating a risk of delay.

Not only that, but AI tools can also help in developing mitigation strategies for identified risks. Take the delay as an example — AI tools may recommend reallocating resources or adjusting timelines as preventative measures.

Getting Started with AI Project Management Tools

Implementing AI project management tools can be a massive game-changer for many digital agencies. So, how can we get started?

First things first, we'll need to choose the right AI project management tools. There are plenty of platforms available, all equipped with standard features and offering innovative solutions.

However, if we want to select a platform that does a great job, we might want to consider the following:

  • What are our needs? We need to identify the specific requirements of the team or the project. Consider factors such as the size of the team, the complexity of the project, and the key features we need.
  • What's available? Project management software is never scarce, so we must explore different platforms available in the market. We must compare their features, pricing, and user reviews to find the best fit for our needs.
  • Trial and evaluation. Many software offers free trial or demo versions. We should take advantage of these and test the software in real-world scenarios to evaluate its performance and ease of use.

Basic Steps to Integrate AI Project Management Tools into Your Workflow

Now that we know which project management software suits our needs, we can start integrating its AI features into our workflows. Here's how.

  1. Set it and configuration. After selecting a tool, we must follow the setup process to configure it for our team. This step may involve setting up projects, tasks, and user accounts.
  2. Training and onboarding. We should provide training sessions for the team to familiarize them with the tools. This will allow everyone to understand how to use the software's key features and where to find help should they need it.
  3. Integration. In addition to project management software, we're most likely already using other software tools, such as communication platforms and file-sharing services. This is why we should check if the AI project management tool can be integrated with our existing tools to create a seamless workflow.

How to overcome common challenges and misconceptions

Introducing new technologies into workflows is often met with various positive and negative reactions. The question is how we can overcome these challenges. So, here are some common challenges and misconceptions project teams face and strategies for overcoming them.

  • Resistance to change. We can't deny that we're a little afraid of change. After all, change can disrupt our routines, slowing our regular working times for the same processes. So, as project managers, we should always highlight the benefits of new tools and include the team in the decision-making process. This way, they can feel that their feedback is valued, making them more open-minded to changes.
  • Fear of complexity. We often think that AI tools are too complex, which makes us afraid to use them. We can counter this by using user-friendly tools and providing adequate training and support to anyone who uses the new tool.
  • Data privacy concerns. AI tools are often met with concerns about data privacy and security. This is why we should always choose trusted tools with solid security measures. This way, we can ensure that our team will follow best practices for data protection.

Recommended AI Project Management Tools for Digital Agencies

Below are some of the best project management software for digital agencies, which can help them optimize processes and achieve business goals.


Asana is a popular project management tool offering AI-powered features to manage complex projects and streamline collaboration.

  • Features: Workload management, automated task assignments, predictive timelines, integration, customizable workflows.
  • Pros: User-friendly interface, flexible project views, powerful collaboration features
  • Cons: Con can be overwhelming for new users due to the number of features, and some advanced features are only available in higher-tier plans.

A versatile project management platform, incorporates AI to provide project insights into progress, team performance, and potential bottlenecks.

  • Features: AI insights, customizable workflows, visual dashboards, time tracking, and integration with other apps
  • Pros: Highly customizable, visually appealing interface, and excellent for managing multiple projects
  • Cons: Can get expensive for larger teams, and the learning curve for customization options


Known for its AI-driven features, Wrike is designed to enhance your team's productivity and decision-making in the fast-paced digital agency environment.

  • Features: Intelligent recommendations, automated task prioritization, risk prediction, real-time collaboration, and customizable dashboards
  • Pros: Robust features for complex projects, strong security measures, and great for large teams.
  • Cons: Complex interface for beginners and confusing pricing structure for some users.

Trello with Butler

A simple, card-based project management tool, Trello, can be enhanced with its AI-powered automation tool, Butler, making it more potent for digital agency projects.

  • Features: Card-based interface, AI-powered automation (Butler), custom commands, due date commands, and board buttons.
  • Pros: Simple and intuitive interface, excellent for visual project management, and flexible with various add-ons.
  • Cons: Limited functionality making it inapplicable for complex projects, additional plugins needed for more features, and automation features can be limited in the free version.


Now, with ClickUp AI, this all-in-one project management tool provides digital agencies with a more comprehensive solution to manage complex projects.

  • Features: Natural language processing for task creation, predictive time estimates, automated progress tracking, customizable views, and integration with other tools.
  • Pros: Comprehensive tool with a wide range of features, customizable for different workflows, and offers a generous free plan.
  • Cons: Can be overwhelming due to extensive features, and some users report performance issues while using the tool for larger projects.

Zoho Projects

Well-suited for digital agencies looking to streamline their processes, Zoho Projects offers numerous AI capabilities for assistance, project planning, and task management.

  • Features: Chatbots for assistance, predictive analytics, automation for task management, time tracking, and document management.
  • Pros: It integrates well with other Zoho apps, offers affordable pricing, and is easy to use for small—to medium-sized projects.
  • Cons: Limited customization options compared to other tools, and some users feel the interface can be dated.

Jira with Automation

Purposely built for developers and engineers, Jira's automation tools offer features specifically for Scrum and Agile workflows.

  • Features: Automation of tasks, creation of custom rules, integration with AI-powered apps, bug ad issue tracking, and Agile project management.
  • Pros: Highly customizable, integrates with other Atlassian products and strongly supports agile methodologies.
  • Cons: Can be complex to set up and configure, especially for non-technical users, and may be overkill for smaller projects or teams.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Project Management with AI

In the near and distant future, AI advancements will continue to intertwine with various project management processes. Digital agencies must stay open to these changes and leverage them to improve outcomes for client projects.

When we're open to technological advancements, we're adaptable, innovative, and promote continuous learning. We can also remain competitive in a fast-paced market, allowing us to meet clients' evolving demands and deliver more creative, effective, and innovative solutions.

In addition, with this openness comes the willingness to embrace AI tools for enhanced project outcomes. We should remember that using AI tools in our project management process can help us optimize workflows, resulting in cost savings and increased profitability. These tools can also provide valuable insight to assist us in making more informed choices and reducing risks and human errors.

Lastly, using AI for your workflows can facilitate better collaboration among team members. This ensures everyone is aligned and working towards common goals, leading to a more cohesive and efficient project team.

Conclusion: AI Project Management Tools Are for Everyone

AI-powered tools are incredibly efficient if integrated properly.
AI-powered tools are incredibly efficient if integrated properly.
  • Project management has dramatically evolved since ancient times, from the creation of the Great Pyramids of Giza to the Great Wall of China. Project management tools have also changed since the development of the Gantt chart, CPM, and PERT.
  • Contrary to popular belief, IT professionals don't only use project management tools. Everyone who deals with projects, from digital agencies to customer service teams and even freelancers, can use project management tools and software to accomplish tasks and projects.
  • AI project management tools differ from traditional platforms as they are more convenient, flexible, and comfortable for collaboration.
  • AI project management tools are more user-friendly, offering intuitive interfaces, interactive dashboards, guided setups, and helpful resources to improve efficiency and increase customer satisfaction.
  • Digital agencies can benefit from AI project management tools in several ways, including cost savings, better decision-making, enhanced collaboration, and risk management.
  • Before acquiring a project management tool, it's best to assess your needs first. This can narrow down your options, allowing you to choose one that best suits your capabilities and needs.
  • New technologies continuously emerge, powering project management tools to help teams' processes. By being open and embracing these changes, teams become more efficient, allowing them to meet targets and achieve objectives.

AI project management tools aren't just for tech wizards anymore. Even newbies can use them to improve efficiency in your projects. So, what are you waiting for? Check out our Project Management Checklist and embrace the freedom and efficiency AI brings to project management!

Business operations consultant Juliana Marulanda
Juliana Marulanda - ScaleTime Founder
Juliana Marulanda is a business operations expert, speaker, and the founder of ScaleTime. With over 20 years of experience across Wall Street, the non-profit sector, technology startups, and family-owned businesses, she now helps service-based businesses.
About ScaleTime